A carefully formulated electrolyte supplement designed to match the composition of horses sweat.
Active Constituents:
Concentration per 30g:-
Sodium 23.3% 7000mg
Chloride 48.0% 14400mg
Magnesium 1.7% 510mg
Potassium 13.3% 3990mg
Restore® is designed to replenish electrolytes in any situation where horses might sweat, particularly after training, travel, racing, during hot weather or competition.
When horses sweat they lose electrolytes, with the principal losses being chloride, sodium, potassium and small amounts of calcium and magnesium. If these essential nutrients are not replenished the consequences may include conditions such as dehydration, muscular weakness, overheating, tiredness and poor performance.
The composition of Restore® mimics that of horses sweat so it restores what has been lost from sweat.The dose rate should be adjusted according to the amount of sweat loss. Restore® contains more electrolytes per dose than most other electrolyte supplements.
- For routine or strategic electrolyte replacement for all horses that sweat
- As an oral electrolyte supplement in feed
- To use in a saline drench to assist in rehydration
- To supply potassium to hard-working horses
Dosage & Administration:
Adjust dose according to sweat loss and work intensity. Divide daily dose among feedings and mix well into a damp feed. The following recommendations are for a horse with a mature body weight of 1100 lb (500 kg) and should be adjusted accordingly:-
Light work 30g (1 scoop)
Moderate work 60g (2 scoops)
Heavy work 90g (3 scoops)
1 scoop = 30g
For best results, administer Restore® after competition, work or in any situation where the horse sweats. In addition to Restore®, all horses should have access to a salt block or additional loose salt.